Compte rendu de l'assemblée générale du 19 avril 2009 -UK-



JOURNAL Edition Nr 9

Association LES FLAMANTS

Le Lac des Rêves 34970 LATTES

Tél. : 06 70 28 16 90









Dear Members, you will find below the minutes of the general meeting held on April 19th, 2009

Beginning : 9:30 a.m. / Closing : 11:30 a.m.

1. Board of the Association

In conformity with the statutes, the Board of the Association met on April 20th, 2009 to elect the new Board:

President : LERCH Edmond: 13 Clos des Fontenelles - 78720 Dampierre
Tél.: 06 72 59 70 01 / Email: / MH 506

Vice-Presidents : DOMINGUES Jacques: 57 Montée du Thivoley - 38690 Oyeu
Tél.: 06 62 65 07 60 / / MH 152

COOPER Michael: 9 Broadwater Green Laindon West Essex SS15 6BG
UK Delegate / Tél.: 06 84 20 81 18 / MH 573

Treasurer : PERRIER Daniel: 9A rue Arago - 69330 Meyzieu
Tél.: 06 03 03 37 36 / Email: / MH 264

His assistant : BROTTE Robert
Tél.: 06 61 73 38 95 / Email: robert.brotte@ / MH 57

Secretary : DEDOUX Jean: 337 Chemin des Devins - 74160 Neydens
Tél.: 06 81 67 98 27 / Email: / MH 281

His assistant : ROCHETAUX Paule:
Tél.: 06 77 70 19 49 / Email: / MH 262

Canvassing : DOMINGUES Edwige
Tél.: 06 60 64 20 08 / MH 152

In charge of animation : WEBER Etienne (Head) / Tél.: 06 79 22 20 93 / MH 408
HEMON Alain / Tél.: 06 07 58 29 80 / MH 460
ROCHETAUX Serge / Tél.: 06 77 70 19 49 / MH 262
CHARVIER Michel / Tél.: 06 11 72 13 58 / MH 350
JAGOT Martine / Tél.: 06 71 51 79 98 / MH 272
NUNGE Christiane / Tél.: 06 80 15 44 31 / MH 524
RATEAU Jean / Tél.: 06 11 77 12 71 / MH 396

Members of honour :

GAUZELIN Marie-Christine, President
SAGE Henry, President

NB: Vice-Presidents are more specifically in charge of the quality of life in the Park.

2. Minutes : general points

2.1. President's words

The President of the Association, Henry Sage, welcomes the many attendees (101 signatures on the attendance register and 52 proxies).

The Association's history showing the increase in membership (from roughly 30 members when created 16 years ago up to 260 in 2008) is definitely a 'success story' that all of us can be proud of.

Such a significant body gives us the ability to act effectively when dealing with our varied contacts, namely :
- Management of the park,
- Siblu Management at Pessac,
- Civil services as far as regulations are concerned,
- Local elected officials to back up our demands,
- Other campsites and free associations, either existing or in course of setting up.

Our main concerns refer to the quality of life on parc as well as to the increasing site fees -meaning the cost of the Park Contract- with a view to keeping it acceptable in the current financial crisis.

The overall feeling here is that we don't get good value for money. Indeed a significant part of the site fees is used for financing the French head office and the London parent company.

In this respect, we will request to meet Siblu France managing Director to discuss, among others, this matter as well as the opportunity of paying the site fees on a monthly basis.

You are probably aware that our English park residents have paid 20% above the general site fees increase of €200, due to the poor £ exchange rate versus €.

Actions run by several organizations in charge of consumer protection as well as our own oft-repeated demands led siblu to issue a 'Code of Practice'. It is fair to recognize Siblu's endeavour to take care of the clientele, but the question to be answered is still: are these efforts sufficient?

On the other side, some owners / holiday makers have to better behave themselves so far as incivility is concerned: speed, varied inconveniences, stray dogs, rubbish, sunbeds monopolizing, water or electricity waste, non-observance of regulations more particularly regarding terraces...

Do not forget that, as owners, you are responsible for your children, friends, lesees and pets that stay in the Park.

I have decided to settle in Pérols and then I am resigning from my position. However I am keeping lots of friends from the Association and the Park and therefore you can rest assured you still can rely on my support.

I wish you a great 2009 season.

2.2. Proposals

The Executive President thanks Henry SAGE for his work and dedication to the Association.

Henri SAGE is unanimously elected President of honour of the Association.
As well, the founder and former first President of the Association, Marie-Christine GAUZELIN, is unanimously promoted as President of honour of the Association.

Our Association is in need of all good will participants and then does not hesitate to ask the persons holding an honorary position to get involved. Hence Mrs Gauzelin is in charge of relations with other campsites. As well, Mr Sage takes care of relations with local elected officials and administrations.

2.3. 2008 Profit and loss statement

The simplified P&L is submitted by the Treasurer. It shows a credit balance of €1359.75 (see Appendix 1). Accounts have been unanimously adopted by show of hands.

2.2. Modification of the Association statutes

We wish modifying the current official denomination, i.e. "Association de locataires 'Les Flamants' sur le Camping du Lac des Rêves' (whose free translation could be: "Association of tenants 'The Flamingos' on the Lac des Rêves Campsite"), as well as the statutes of the Association, so that they better fit our needs.
Changes concern mainly the two first articles :

Article 1 Object :

The existing Association is modified as of today because of its new denomination and its new statutes.
The modified Association, ruled by the law of July 1st, 1901 and the August 16th, 1901 decree, takes the denomination of "Association des Propriétaires de Mobile Homes 'Les Flamants' sur le Camping du Lac des Rêves à Lattes 34970" (whose free translation could be: "Association of Mobile Homes owners 'The Flamingos' on the Lac des Rêves Campsite at Lattes 34970").

Article 2 Association's purposes :

The Association aims to :
- protect the rights of mobile home owners, on the Lac des Rêves Campsite, mainly in connection
with the Parc Contract and, possibly, with other contracts that owners might sign with the entity
managing the parc (currently Siblu France),
- file a civil action and
/or instituting legal proceedings for enforcing the members' rights,
- organize competitions, or other user-friendly events in the Campsite, that are placed under
the responsibility of the Parc General Manager,
- facilitate the gathering of owners for various celebrations
/ parties, either in or outside the park;
correspondingly every participant engages his
/her own personal civil responsibility,
- participating -under the above conditions- in events jointly with owners' associations existing
in other campsites run by the same managing entity (currently Siblu France).

The modification of statutes is approved unanimously by show of hands.

2.2. Web site

The Association wishes to create a web site for easing communication between the numerous owners disconnected because of either space or time. This site will give the owners -as well as other owners' association and organizations for the consumer protection- access to the many written documents and surveys from the Association.

2.2. Litigation

In case of litigation, here is the procedure that should be followed without exception :
Should this litigation not be promptly fixed, by oral and mutual consent, you need to write to the Parc Management with a copy to your Association, making clear the facts and suggesting a solution whenever possible. It is siblu's responsability, and only Siblu's, to enforce the Park General Rules and Regulations (PGRR).
Conversely, Siblu must enforce the PGRR to the letter and not turn a blind eye.
Same procedure applies to contractual litigation with Siblu France at Pessac.

You are also reminded that you must not contact the 'Préfecture' individually. Indeed, the adminis-tration takes a dim view of making single contact, which may draw uselessly the authorities' attention to our Campsite. The risk that the administration overeacts should not be underestimated when taking into consideration the stringent regulations in force and the stress for opening the park on due date because of flooding hazards.





3. Reported miscellaneous issues

3.1. Green spaces

This topic has always been the subject of continuous criticism.
There are many reasons, such as lack of budget and skills, for not expecting better results in this matter.
As a consequence, those wanting to look after their plot in their own way, will have to register with the Reception assistant and agree to conform with requirements laid down by Siblu as well as by the 'Préfecture'. The work will then surely be done in place of Siblu, but you have to be down-to-earth and make your choice.

3.2. Roads

Efforts have to be carried out inside the parc to ensure the upkeep of roads, the marking of bumps as well as the priority tarring of certain alleys and 'marguerites' that have been heavily flooded.

3.3. Noise pollution

Emphasis has be put for long on the unbearable noise made by the tractor. A four-star Campsite should fix that issue in an exemplary manner.

3.4. Playgrounds

Parents recognize Siblu's efforts to make playgrounds safer and more enjoyable. However, many of them wish that gravel be replaced or, preferably, that smooth ground covering be put in place.

3.5. Refuse

This is a crucial point as far as health and esthetics are concerned.
In case of rubbish collector's default, replacement alternatives have to be planned ahead.
We need to be vigilant in this matter, as any loss of control will quickly give the impression of an unsanitary campsite.
We need to think about introducing a policy of selective sorting, though that might be hard to be implemented due to the incivility of many holiday makers.
Bulky stuff has to be carried out to the municipal dump (corresponding map is available at the reception desk).

3.6. Security and safekeeping

Focus has to be made on screening entries and ensuring a better security on parc. Improvements to be done concern :
- the strict surveillance at night of the pine-wood area (la 'Pinède'), during the peak summer season,
- the safekeeping during the closing period (6 mobile homes have been vandalised in 2008).
Siblu is currently studying the possibility of installing additional cameras.

3.7. Fun Pass

Siblu have already been consulted about the use of a Joker Fun Pass by several owners. This is an important need for families paying a short visit. One can however understand Siblu's fear that such cards would inevitably be abused.
The solution may be to give owners temporary passes at a reduced rate.

3.8. Flooding

This is a recurring problem on our Campsite. We are taking this opportunity to remind you that the campsite is liable to flooding and is even classified, except for the space around the pine-wood (la 'Pinède'), as a 'red zone' by the provisory Plan for preventing flooding risk (PPRI) updated on May 2007. This PPRI plan will become final after taking into account improvements arising from the Lironde canal as well as from hydrological surveys (we are directly concerned by studies on flows between sea and salted lakes).

This being said, the rising of water at certain points of the Campsite following a mere rain storm demonstrastes the limits of the water drainage system. Siblu intends to quickly improve that drainage which significantly deprives the park residents from the normal usage of their plots.
In case of unusual situation, one should keep records and evidence relating to dates and water levels in order to claim compensation from Siblu.

In case of serious circumstances, do keep calm and wait for Siblu's instructions, as procedures and gathering spots have been planned ahead. You may obtain information on Siblu local weather forecast website < >.
The Association has issued two studies in this matter, which will be online eventually and can -in the meantime- be asked for at the adminstration desk.

3.9. Wifi

The launch, on Spring 2008, of the LDR Wifi network has been desastrous. Significant improvements have occured since. Additional efforts are needed to improve the quality of the telephone landlines.
The parc coverage has just been enhanced by the addition of two aerials, one situated by the lake, the other one -that is dedicated to the district 'Les Flamants'- is situated by the entrance to the park. Subscription formulas for a duration of 6 and 9 months are available now.

3.10. Speed

The speed limit is rarely respected by whoever it may be (holiday makers, delivery men and Siblu staff). Bumps piling is not proving effective.
We are suggesting of an electronic signpost indicating the speed of the passing vehicle. This would provide precise information in case of complaint, much more effective than just vague statements such as 'It seems to me he was driving too fast'. Moreover, this data -that can be seen by everyone- may put drivers under psychological pressure. Also, the other benefit consists in the traceability of the vehicles moving about in the Campsite.

3.11. Sub-lettings

Many owners have complained about excessively late rental repayments for 2008. Siblu is indisputably at fault and, worse, such delays stir up trouble on Siblu's financial capacity to meet its commitments.
You have to know that Siblu France is driven by Siblu France Limited, 20 Black Friars Lane - London (7 other Siblu companies are registered at this address).

Many complaints have also been submitted about lax check-out inventories and various deteriorations that have not been compensated. It needs to be known that renting out means the owner takes a risk and now Siblu intends to check, the day before departure at the latest, what kind of customers have been staying at the mobile home. This will allow better anticipation of any problems since most inconsiderate clients would have been noted, triggering a more detailed check-out inventory.
However, this only settles one part of the problem because distinguishing between wear and tear on the one hand and careless usage on the other hand is not always so easy.
Subletting and fairness aren't always compatible.




End of meeting at 11:30 a.m. We thank the manager of our Campsite, Darren Schuller, to carry on by answering your questions and requests.

Thereafter the Association is inviting the attendees for a drink . Then, those who wish to prolong the event can meet at the Lac des Rêves restaurant which have prepared a couscous for the 83 listed owners.




4. Conclusion

As you may notice in daily life, nothing is guaranted for ever. You need to fight continuously to preserve benefits gained and fight even more to continue progressing. Therefore we ask you to keep supporting us and to be our best ambassador vis-à-vis your friends and alley or 'marguerite' neighbours. We will do our best, with the help of the Campsite management, to ensure a great 2009 season and try reducing the negative points. We will take special care to fix recurring concerns that considerably get on owners' nerves. As in the past, we intend to moving ahead on good terms with the Siblu company and, whenever possible, steer clear of any conflicting situations.

I remind you of Siblu emergency phone number: 06 77 00 46 88, in case you are facing a serious poblem.

For your information, we give you notice that the Association USSEP, Déclic Handicap, has set up its head office at Mobile Home # 372. Its President, Mrs Tourtois, can be contacted at 06 08 86 94 25. This association aims at supporting handycapers by helping them tying again social links too often ruined because of their handicap and by facilitating their daily life (rights enforcement, daily tasks, medical requirements, physical or psychological treatments...)


We wish you a great 2009 season. We will try our best to contribute therein.


Appendix # 1: Profit and loss statement

2008 headings



Balance on January 1st, 2008



Membership fees



Secretarial expenditures (stamps, telephone, photocopies...)




Fêtes and 'pétanque' competition



Catering and drinks



Travelling expenses ('Siblu Parcs' committee)



Purchase of flowers (funeral), gratuities (bags), office furniture



Total (income / expenses)



Balance on January 1st, 2009

+ 1,359.75


Lattes June 2009









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Date de dernière mise à jour : 02/07/2021